July 2022

10 Money Saving Travel Tips

10 Money-Saving Travel Tips

Follow these 10 money-saving travel tips when planning your next vacation to help make it more affordable, but it can be expensive to travel. However,

7 Smart Ways People Spend to Save

7 Smart Ways People Spend to Save

Frugal people are known for not spending money. This reputation harbors much truth, but not always. Frugality doesn’t mean pinching as many pennies as possible,

6 Ways to More Successful Investing

6 Keys to More Successful Investing

A successful investor maximizes gain and minimizes loss. There’s never a guarantee that any investment strategy will be successful. All investing involves risk, including the

Inflation Fighting Tips

Inflation-Fighting Tips

It’s easy to see how inflation affects your daily life. Gas prices are higher. Electric bills are steeper. Wallets are thinner. But what inflation does

Life Insurance as an Asset

The primary objective of life insurance is providing financial support after you’ve passed but using life insurance as an asset is another.