Estate Planning

Long term care

The Long-Term Care Crisis

Nearly one-third of all seniors live by themselves, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That’s close to 14 million seniors aging alone. This suits some seniors just fine, however it’s vital for seniors living alone to interact with others. The potential for a long-term care crisis looms.

Long-term care

Time to Consider Long-Term Care

Most people don’t think about long-term care until they or a loved one needs it. Long-term care (LTC) is a type of care that includes

need for estate planning

The Need for Estate Planning

Estate Planning may seem intimidating, but it’s a necessary step in your financial planning process to protect your loved ones. Depending on the amount of

young women holding hands

Estate Planning Essentials for LGBTQ+ Couples

Having an estate plan is vital to anyone looking to protect their loved ones and assets. While the tools available to same-sex and opposite-sex couples are generally the same, same-sex couples may face unique considerations.

Gift and Estate Tax Rules

What are the gift and estate tax rules after tax reform? The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, signed into law in December 2017, approximately doubled

What You Can Do With a Will

A will is often the cornerstone of an estate plan. Wills enable you to leave your property at your death to a surviving spouse, a child, other relatives, friends, or anyone you choose. But that’s not all. Here are 5 things you can do with a will.