Back to Basics: Financial Planning

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Financial Planning

Pablo Picasso once said, “Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” When it comes to financial planning, this sentiment rings true.

Financial planning is essential for living a comfortable life and preparing for the future, regardless of your career or life stage. Most people get intimidated or overwhelmed when they think about financial planning. But with the right tools, understanding, and guidance, you can create a workable plan to help you reach your goals.

The Importance of Financial Planning

Financial planning involves assessing your current financial situation, setting goals and objectives, and creating a plan to help you reach them. It helps ensure you have enough money for the short-term and long-term.

A financial plan…

  • Helps you stay on track by providing a clear and tangible plan for your finances. For example, if you’re looking to save for retirement or buy a home, your financial plan will help you track and monitor your progress.
  • Protects you from life’s unexpected events by building up an emergency fund. A fund provides much-needed financial security in case of any unforeseen event.
  • May benefit your career. If you’re planning to start a business or make a career change, having clear financial goals will help you decide where and how to invest your time and money.

Overall, having an organized financial plan gives you the confidence to take risks and achieve greater success.

What If It’s Already Too Late?

It’s never too late to start planning your finances. Developing a basic understanding of money management, investing, and credit is a good starting point.

Researching different topics related to financial planning is also valuable in helping you understand the basics. Understanding your financial situation will help you create realistic goals and objectives.

When starting, ask yourself questions such as:

  • What are my financial goals?
  • How much money do I need to save/invest?
  • What kind of budget should I have?
  • How can I reduce debt and increase savings?

What Do You Look for in a Financial Planner?

When it comes to choosing a financial planner, it’s akin to finding a partner. You want someone trustworthy, reliable, and knowledgeable. You should know each potential planner before deciding on one to ensure they meet your financial goals.

At Barnum, we are dedicated to your financial well-being and take the time to really understand your current financial situation, time horizons, and the plans for your future. We take that knowledge and develop guidance that solves problems, capitalizes on opportunities, and prepares you for a long and happy life.

The Process

Once you’ve found a financial planner, developing a plan begins. This involves reviewing your current financial situation and goals. Your financial planner will help assess what you can do now and suggest how to reach those goals in the future.

A financial planner will help:

  • Prioritize your goals
  • Decide your needs and wants
  • Create a strategy for achieving your goals.
  • With regular check-ins and reviews to ensure you’re meeting those goals.

Moving Forward

Creating a financial plan is just the beginning. Once you have the plan, it’s essential to stick to it and make adjustments as needed. Having an open line of communication with your financial planner will help ensure you stay on track and make any necessary changes.

Financial planning is an ongoing process and should be reviewed regularly to ensure it remains relevant and up-to-date.

To learn more, contact your Barnum representative today. Don’t have one? Click to get a complimentary financial assessment.

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